Safe And Sealed Tourism : India signs air bubble pact with Seychelles and Uzbekistan.
Minister of Civil Aviation, Hardeep Singh Puri earlier mentioned that Government is in discussion with more countries for creating similar bubbles. Air Bubble agreement is a bilateral travel agreement exclusive to two countries with the aim of resurrecting international air traffic amid a global pandemic, as regular international flights remain suspended, without the hassle of special permissions or restrictions. Despite the ban, India was among the first few nations to start repatriation drive as early as May to bring back stranded Indians. Soon after, Air Bubbles were established to further ease the travel.
Till date, Indian govt has facilitated the repatriation and international travel of over 6 million people through different means since 6th May 2020. On the other hand, domestic flights are now running at 80 percent capacity and will soon reach pre COIVD-19 levels, as informed by the Minister.As the government is easing the lockdown further to open up the economy, more and more people are flying in and out of the country for all sorts of purposes, right from business travel to education travel and even for tourist activities. The ban on scheduled commercial international flights remains in place till March 31.
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